why is my air conditioner tripping the circuit breakerAt ADA Heating and Air we often get calls asking, “Why is my air conditioner tripping the circuit breaker?” This is a common problem this time of year. This blog will help you fix the problem if you can and advise you when to call a professional. So let’s get started answering the question “why is my air conditioner tripping the circuit breaker?”

Is Your Circuit Breaker Telling You There’s A Problem?

When your circuit breaker trips, reset the breaker and see if it trips again. If it does, then it is a sign there’s a problem somewhere. Don’t keep flipping it back on. You need to fix the problem first. Your circuit breaker is designed to flip when too much electricity is flowing through the wires. This is a safety mechanism designed for your and your appliances safety.

Is the Problem At Your Circuit Breaker Panel?

A bad connection or loose wires at the circuit breaker box can cause the breaker to trip. Temperature changes often cause the wires to expand and contract causing loose connections. Another problem could be the breaker itself. If you notice signs of damage or smell something burnt, it is probably a bad breaker. You may not see or smell damage but if the breaker itself is too hot, this is another sign that breaker should be replaced. Anything that looks suspicious should be checked out. Frayed wires can also be an indication the breaker is bad.  Don’t try to fix your circuit breaker yourself call a professional repair technician.

Is the Problem With Your Air Conditioner?

Dirty Air Filter

If the breaker looks good, you can assume the air conditioner is having a problem. Check the filter first to make sure it is clean. If you haven’t changed it in awhile, change the filter and see if that fixes the problem. You should routinely change your filter every month or two and follow the recommendations of your air conditioner technician or the manufacturer.

Clean the Condenser Coils

Condenser coils are located in the outside unit of your air conditioner. They can get dirty which will cause your air conditioner to overheat. When your air conditioner has to work too hard or cannot reach the desired temperature, it will often overheat. This could be the answer to the question “Why is my air conditioner tripping the circuit breaker?”. You can clean these yourself if you feel comfortable doing it or your service technician will be happy to do this for you. This is part of the regular  A/C maintenance that is performed on your air conditioner every spring. If you haven’t signed up for regular maintenance, now is a good time to start.

Not Enough Refrigerant

Another reason why air conditioners trip the circuit breaker is because there isn’t enough refrigerant to cool the air. You may also notice the air coming out isn’t as cool as it should be. This can sometimes indicate a leak that needs fixed. ADA Heating and Air is available to help with air conditioner repairs when a problem like this occurs.

Other Repairs

Sometimes your condenser fan is bent and not turning or another part is malfunctioning in your air conditioner that is the cause to why your air conditioner is tripping the circuit breaker. ADA offers air conditioner repair and emergency 24/7 services.

Why is my Air Conditioner Tripping the Circuit Breaker?

If you are having a problem with your air conditioner, ADA heating and Air will be happy to help answer any questions you might have. We can also provide you with professional air conditioner maintenance and repairs. Call ADA Heating and Air today. We’ll be happy to help!

By | 2017-08-02T01:20:48+00:00 May 29th, 2015|Cooling|Comments Off on Why Is My Air Conditioner Tripping the Circuit Breaker?

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