You may be wondering what to expect the first time you turn your heater on. If you haven’t used your furnace in awhile, we always recommend yearly furnace maintenance to clean the filters and provide lubrication to your HVAC unit. This will prevent any problems from occurring and will make sure when you turn your furnace on that first cold night, that it works smoothly. Here is what to expect the first time you turn your heater on:
Why Does My Furnace Smell Like Something’s Burning?
If you haven’t used your furnace yet this season, go ahead and turn it on. Make sure you have a clean filter and that you remove anything combustible from the furnace area. You will probably smell a burning odor. This is because dust and debris have built up in your HVAC system and ductwork. This smell shouldn’t last long and is what to expect the first time you turn your heater on.
When Furnace Smells Are A Problem
If the burning smell lingers or seems more than what you would expect, you could have a problem with a clogged vent or broken electrical component. Turn the furnace off and investigate to see if something may be in the ducts, causing the problem. Items or spills in the ducts or registers of your home may cause a burning smell as the heat penetrates the area. We often find children’s toys that have fallen down the ductwork and started melting when the heater turned on.
If you can’t find a cause for the burning smell you should call your HVAC repairman. ADA Heating and Air is available 24/7 for emergency heater repairs. We can help you get your heater running properly in no time. Possible causes of a burning smell include a furnace motor overheating, a clogged vent or broken components that need repaired or replaced.
Smelling Smoke In An Oil Furnace
If you smell oil, you may have a problem with your furnace that needs attention right away. Smoke smells in an oil furnace could just be an indication that the oil filter needs to be changed. Preventative maintenance from your HVAC technician will ensure problems like these are addressed before you need to use your furnace.
Musty Odors From Your Furnace
Musty odors may not be at the top of what to expect the first time you turn your heater on, but it does happen. The musty odor is mold and mildew that have built up in your HVAC system. If you have a humidifier, it may be the humidifier filter needs to be changed. Other areas where mold and mildew collect are areas where condensation collects.
What to Expect The First Time You Turn Your Heater On
If you have a good preventative maintenance plan in place, you can expect your heater to work well the first time you turn it on. You will probably experience some smell but it won’t last long. If you haven’t maintained your HVAC system, you may experience more odors from dirty filters and poor upkeep. It is always good to test the furnace or heater before you need it to avoid emergency heater repairs. If you have any questions about your furnace or preventative maintenance, ADA Heating and Air can help.